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Работа в Optimum Consulting Services


08.02.2025, Алматы
График работы: постоянная
Oпыт работы: от 4-х лет
Образование: высшее
  ИНОСТРАННАЯ ТРАНСПОРТНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ (один из лидеров на своем рынке) заходит «с нуля» на рынок Казахстана. Компании требуется ФИНАНСОВЫЙ МЕНЕДЖЕР (пока в единственном лице) с опытом работы в бухгалтерии от 3 лет и финансах от 3 - 4 лет, со знанием английского языка на хорошем уровне. Интересны люди с международных компаний.

 Applies the financial policy of the parent company in the covered areas and guarantees that this policy is respected
 Participates in the choice of the general targets of company in Kazakhstan and assesses the financial consequences
 Lays down the control and improvement procedures in order to monitor the financial results and to follow their evolution in time
 Participates in the choice of the credit policy of the company and makes sure that it is properly applied.
 Coordinates and supervises the entire operations of general accounting and audit in respect with the accounting tax and fiscal regulations
 Guarantees the balance, quality, integrity and liability of information and data
 Plans the monthly accounting statements
 Follows the consolidation of operations and monitors the balance sheet operations in order to control the entire activity
 Supervises the issuing of all fiscal and tax documents for the administration and/ or authorities
 Controls all taxes paid by the company (excluding customs duties)
 Co-signs all issued payment means
 Makes sure that all financial statements are reliable and correct (fiscal statements, consolidation statements, forecasts, social and fiscal declarations, answers to investigation. etc.)
 Makes sure that the financial statements are prepared according to the parent company standards
 Supervises and participates in legal audit actions
 Organises the control operations of the Fiscal Administration agents in case of fiscal investigation
 Draws budgets and middle term business plans in accordance with the other Managers involved
 Compares the budgets and the results, identifies the reasons of the differences and proposes solutions
 Follows and approves monthly and audit reports and makes them available for company in Kazakhstan and parent company.
 Controls investments, coordinates and follows all expenditures
 Participates to surveys and analysis on the request of the General Management of company in Kazakhstan and parent company.
 Defines and implements the short, medium and long term cash flow policy in accordance with the DSF (Division of Strategy & Finance) Management of parent company
 Optimises the short term available treasury and negotiates loans and long term investments with the banks and others financial organisations
 Controls the optimisation of the financial streams
 Monitors the control of the exchange rate risk
 Organises treasury forecasts: analysis of the treasury needs and budget.



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Optimum Consulting Services
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